Professional Experience
For more than 25 years, Marty has been developing the unique strategic vision, tactical skills and substantive know-how that enable him to fight effectively for his clients. Today, as insurance companies and other institutions grow increasingly successful in refusing to fulfill their obligations, Marty has founded a law firm to fight back and get his clients what they deserve.
Marty’s passion for justice took him early-on in his career to the New York Office of the Attorney General. As an Assistant Attorney General under Eliot Spitzer, the then “Sheriff of Wall Street,” Marty handled some of the largest cases in New York State history, many with billions of dollars at stake and earned an award for outstanding service. Marty also served as a Senior Assistant Counsel to the Governor and Special Counsel to the Department of Health, where he earned another award for outstanding service.
After leaving government service, Marty served as a partner to two leading national litigation firms, each of which specialized in insurance coverage litigation. Marty has helped his clients recover hundreds of millions of dollars in insurance proceeds in cases involving professional liability, D&O, E&O and property damage claims. Marty also has helped clients recover proceeds in large class-action and mass-action claims.
Marty is a member of the prestigious New York State Bar Commission on the State Constitution, and the New York and Maryland State Committees on Health Care Law. He writes and lectures frequently. He also has his hands full at home, co-parenting his four children who range in age from five to fourteen.